English ID 2nd Edition
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English ID 2nd Edition builds on all the successful features of the hugely popular first edition of English ID.
This engaging four-level series for adults and young adults has uniquely been specifically designed to accelerate early fluency for Spanish and Portuguese speakers in Latin America.
Offering 80–120 hours of material per level, this flexible course accelerates the learning process with a range of exciting strategies. It encourages students to express themselves confidently, and thus develop their ‘English ID’.
Sample unit
Scope & sequence
New and improved features:
- Updated texts that access the many hundreds of cognates between English and both Spanish and Portuguese from Day 1. We include up to 25% more of these ‘easy to recognize, learn and use' words per level!
- A syllabus of Common mistakes in every lesson to help learners avoid typical L1 translation errors
- Simplified grammar flow and lots more grammar activities.
- New well-known songlines, offering an authentic language connection in every lesson
- All ID Café lessons reworked to include Make it Personal activities
- More guided, process writing lessons now integrated into units
- More listening, with relevant pronunciation and spelling help tailored to our students, via the Notice tasks in the famous colorful audio scripts
- New interleaved Teacher’s Book, which includes language tips focusing on problematic areas for Spanish and Portuguese learners, as well as a bank of activities for exploiting each songline in the Student’s Book
- Extensive new and improved activities on the Richmond Learning Platform.
- Together with IDentities 1 and IDentities 2, this can form a 6-level course taking students from Beginner to a strong C1 level.
Components and resources

Student’s Book


Learn more about English ID 2nd Edition: Student’s Book
Learn more about English ID 2nd Edition: Workbook
Learn more about English ID 2nd Edition: RLP

Teacher’s Book