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Using AI to enhance learning – Case studies and recommendations


Using AI to enhance learning – Case studies and recommendations

by Richmond

Have you ever wondered what the classrooms will look like in ten years or so? As the future unfolds and we see how AI is used in education, we can’t help but think about the different ways in which the learning adventure can become personalized, exciting, unique, and useful for everyone.

This time, we will describe some ways in which AI is transforming the learning landscape and give you some examples.

Personalizing the students’ learning journey

This can be done in different ways but lately, AI-powered learning platforms have been helping students improve their skills through tailored support and timely intervention.

This happens in real time. It would be very difficult for a teacher to react and adapt to every student’s performance in every class. AI can help with that. An example of how AI can work for the teacher in this would be when students do a task, the teacher notices the challenges they had doing it and decides to move the lesson in that direction. AI can help her create resources to make this possible very quickly.

Engaging and motivating learners

Using AI-driven games and simulations has proved to motivate and engage students in learning. It makes the process more interactive and fun.

Using these types of games in the class can also help the teacher control how AI is used by their students effectively, show them ways of handling AI, and still bring some fun to the lesson.

Giving teachers more time and reducing their workload

AI-powered tools have also been used to assist students at all times, giving feedback, making recommendations, and even offering adaptive quizzes and study sets, alleviating some of the teacher workload and improving student support.

Feedback with AI can be generated in real time too. For example, if students are working on a piece of writing, AI can give them real-time feedback, when they will be more receptive than hours or days later when the teacher can realistically give them feedback on a piece of writing.

AI has been part of our lives for some time now. However, its role in education was never as evident as it has become in the last few years. Perhaps its recent popularity is the reason why many people are so pessimistic and annoyed about its presence in the classrooms. Students using ChatGPT to write an assignment are the worst nightmare of some teachers. However, AI has proven to be a useful resource if well-managed.

AI tools, when used effectively, foster creativity and prepare students for a future where AI will be part of many of the activities they do. For better or for worse, AI is here to stay, you can’t get rid of it, so you might as well use it and make the most of it. Beware of its risks and be responsible with its use.

Let’s think about a future where AI works with educators to unlock the potential of every learner, include every learner and learning becomes an enjoyable, useful experience for everyone. AI can help us achieve that. Doesn’t it sound exciting?