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Daniel Barber

Daniel Barber

Daniel started teaching by accident 20 years ago in a secondary school in Mexico. He enjoyed the experience enough to do his cert on his return to Britain and get a job in a language school. He worked in Oxford and then London, clawed his way up to lower management, then moved to Barcelona. There he began teacher training. In 2003 he moved to Cádiz in the south of Spain, where he helped to open and run a language and teacher training school. He has worked on short stories for learners (Macmillan) and is a writer for the Richmond series The Big Picture.

He is interested in learner autonomy, teacher development, motivational aspects of learning, neuroeducation, the lexical approach, receptive skills development, productive skills development, materials development…

Author's series in Richmond

  • The Big Picture 2nd Edition
  • The Big Picture 2nd Edition
  • Personal Best
  • Personal Best
  • The BIG Picture
  • American Big Picture
  • Personal Best (British Edition)