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Rebecca Williams

Rebecca Williams

Rebecca Williams, originally from Cleveland, Ohio, lives in Mexico City with her husband and two sons. She has a degree in Education from Edinboro State University in Pennsylvania and over 30 years of experience teaching young children in the United States and in Mexico. She continues to teach and work with children from all over the world, assisting them in adapting to living in Mexico and learning in an all-English curriculum. She has authored and co-authored the following Richmond Pre-school series: Kinder Steps, Sprinkles, Jellybeans, Tippy Toes and Gumdrops. She served as the series consultant for I Can! and she has written the first two levels of the Primary Series: Step Up Higher and Sprint. Most recently, she has worked as the English Support Coordinator at the primary level at an International School in Mexico City.

Throughout the years, Rebecca has been an active educational consultant; giving workshops and conducting in-service training sessions for many bilingual schools in the Mexico City area. She enjoys sharing her ideas, creating new materials and helping other teachers to implement innovative and engaging techniques in their classrooms.

Author's series in Richmond

  • Droplets
  • Learn with Ollie
  • Tippy Toes
  • M@th Adventures